Wiring diagram
Ipdm e/r (intelligent power distribution module engine room)
Wiring diagram
Parts Requiring Angle Tightening
Use the Tool for the final tightening of the following engine parts:
Tool number : KV10112100 (BT-8653-A)
Camshaft sprocket (INT) bolt
Cylinder head bolts
Main bearing cap bolts
Connecting rod cap bolts
Crankshaft pulley bolt (No the angle wrench is required as bolt flange
is pr ...
P0420 Three way catalyst function
DTC Logic
The ECM monitors the switching frequency ratio of air fuel ratio (A/F)
sensor 1 and heated oxygen sensor 2.
A three way catalyst (manifold) with high oxygen storage capacity
will indicate a low switching frequency of heated oxygen sensor 2.
As oxygen storage c ...