Nissan Sentra manuals

Nissan Sentra Service Manual: Heater & air conditioning system

Blower motor
Exploded View Heating and cooling unit assembly Blower motor Front Removal and Installation Remove the glove box assembly. Refer to IP-22, "Removal and Installation". ...


Other materials:

If your windshield is not clear after using the windshield washer or if a wiper blade chatters when running, wax or other material may be on the blade or windshield. Clean the outside of the windshield with a washer fluid or a mild detergent. Your windshield is clean if beads do not form whe ...

How to handle battery CAUTION: If it becomes necessary to start the engine with a booster battery and jumper cables, use a 12-volt booster battery. After connecting battery cables, ensure that they are tightly clamped to battery terminals for good contact. Never add distilled wat ...

Engine assembly M/T
M/T : Exploded View Washer Upper torque rod (RH) Engine mounting insulator (RH) Rear torque rod bracket Rear torque rod Engine mounting bracket (LH) Engine mounting frame support (LH) Engine mounting insulator (LH) CAUTION: Check that the stud bolt (*2) is tight at the spe ...

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