Nissan Sentra manuals

Nissan Sentra Service Manual: Ecu diagnosis information

Bcm, ipdm e/r

List of ecu reference

Wiring diagram

Diagnosis system (BCM)
Common item Common item : consult function (bcm - common item) Application item Consult performs the following functions via can communication with bcm. System application Bcm can perform the ...

Wiring diagram
Power distribution system Wiring diagram ...

Other materials:

Brake precautions
Vacuum assisted brakes The brake booster aids braking by using engine vacuum. If the engine stops, you can stop the vehicle by depressing the brake pedal. However, greater foot pressure on the brake pedal will be required to stop the vehicle and stopping distance will be longer. Using the bra ...

Service data and specifications (sds)
Periodical Maintenance Specification ENGINE COOLANT CAPACITY (APPROXIMATE) Radiator Thermostat Water Control Valve ...

Oil seal
Valve oil seal : Removal and Installation REMOVAL Rotate crankshaft, and set piston whose valve oil seal is to be removed to TDC. This will prevent valve from dropping into cylinder. CAUTION: When rotating crankshaft, be careful to avoid scarring front cover with timing chain. Re ...

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