Nissan Sentra manuals

Nissan Sentra Service Manual: BCM  branch line circuit

Diagnosis procedure

1.Check connector

  1. Turn the ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect the battery cable from the negative terminal.
  3. Check the terminals and connectors of the bcm for damage, bend and loose connection (unit side and connector side).

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 2.

No >> repair the terminal and connector.

2.Check harness for open circuit

  1. Disconnect the connector of bcm.
  2. Check the resistance between the bcm harness connector terminals.

Is the measurement value within the specification?

Is the measurement value within the specification? YES >> GO TO 3.

NO >> Repair the BCM branch line.

3.Check power supply and ground circuit

Check the power supply and the ground circuit of the bcm. Refer to the following.

Is the inspection result normal? Yes (present error)>>replace the bcm. Refer to the following.

Yes (past error)>>error was detected in the bcm branch line.

No >> repair the power supply and the ground circuit.

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