Nissan Sentra manuals

Nissan Sentra Service Manual: Wiring diagram

Moonroof system

Wiring Diagram

Basic inspection

Ecu diagnosis information
Bcm (body control module) List of ecu reference Moonroof motor assembly Reference value Terminal layout Physical values ...

Basic inspection

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The ambient temperature display is incorrect
Description The displayed outside air temperature is higher than the actual temperature. The displayed outside air temperature is lower than the actual temperature. Outside air temperature is not indicated. Diagnosis procedure 1.Check ambient sensor signal circuit Check the ambie ...

Two types of fuses are used. Type A is used in the fuse boxes in the engine compartment. Type B is used in the passenger compartment fuse box. Type A fuses are provided as spare fuses. They are stored in the passenger compartment fuse box. Type A fuses can be installed in the engine com ...

Basic inspection
Diagnosis and repair workflow Work flow OVERALL SEQUENCE DETAILED FLOW 1.INTERVIEW FOR MALFUNCTION Find out what the customer's concerns are. >> GO TO 2. 2.SYMPTOM CHECK Verify the symptom from the customer's information. >> GO TO 3. 3.BASIC INSPECTION Check the operat ...

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