Nissan Sentra manuals

Nissan Sentra Service Manual: Power windows do not operate with power window main switch

Diagnosis Procedure

1.Check bcm power supply and ground circuit

Check bcm power supply and ground circuit.

Refer to bcs-67, "diagnosis procedure" (with intelligent key) or bcs-120, "diagnosis procedure" (without intelligent key).

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 2.

No >> repair or replace the malfunctioning parts.

2.Check power window main switch power supply and ground circuit

Check power window main switch power supply and ground circuit.

Refer to PWC-33, "POWER WINDOW MAIN SWITCH : Diagnosis Procedure".

Is the inspection result normal? YES >> GO TO 3.

NO >> Repair or replace the malfunctioning parts.

3.Replace power window main switch

Is the result normal? Yes >> inspection end

NO >> Check intermittent incident. Refer to GI-39, "Intermittent Incident".

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