Nissan Sentra manuals

Nissan Sentra Service Manual: Function and System Application

x : Applicable

x : Applicable

  1. With NAVI
  2. With CVT
  3. With auto A/C
NOTE: This vehicle is diagnosed using the CONSULT-III plus. When CONSULT is connected with a data link connector equipped on the vehicle side, it will communicate with the control unit equipp ...

CONSULT Data Link Connector (DLC) Circuit
Inspection procedure If the CONSULT cannot diagnose the system properly, check the following items. Symptom Check item CONSULT cannot access any system. CONSULT D ...

Other materials:

U1117 Lost communication (ABS)
DTC Logic DTC DETECTION LOGIC DTC CONSULT screen terms [Trouble diagnosis content] DTC detection condition Possible causes U1117 LOST COMM (ABS) [Lost Communication With ABS] When the ignition switch is ON, TCM is unable to receive the CAN communications ...

Precaution for Work
When removing or disassembling each component, be careful not to damage or deform it. If a component may be subject to interference, be sure to protect it with a shop cloth. When removing (disengaging) components with a screwdriver or similar tool, be sure to wrap the component with a ...

Diagnosis and repair workflow
Work Flow OVERALL SEQUENCE *1: Include 1st trip DTC. *2: Include 1st trip freeze frame data. DETAILED FLOW 1.GET INFORMATION FOR SYMPTOM Get the detailed information from the customer about the symptom (the condition and the environment when the incident/malfunction occurred) using the ...

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