Av control unit
Reference value
Dtc index
Dtc/circuit diagnosis
Power supply and ground circuit
Audio unit
Audio unit : diagnosis procedure
Regarding Wiring Diagram information, refer to AV-157, "Wiring Diagram".
1.Check fuse
Are the fuses blown?
Yes >> replace the blown fuse after repairing the affected circuit.
No >> go to 2.
U1000 CAN Comm circuit
Can (controller area network) is a serial communication line for
real time application. It is an on-vehicle multiplex
communication line with high data communication speed and excellent error
detection ability. Many electronic
control units are equipped onto a vehicle, and each co ...
Vanity mirror lamp
Removal and installation
Do not attempt to separate the vanity mirror lamp from the sun visor or
damage to the components
may occur.
The vanity mirror lamp is replaced as part of the sun visor. Refer to
int-40, "removal and installation".
Bulb or lens replacement