Nissan Sentra manuals

Nissan Sentra Service Manual: Vehicle information

Body exterior paint color

M = Metallic, S = Solid, 2S = Solid and Clear, 2P = 2-Coat Pearl, 3P = 3-Coat

M = Metallic, S = Solid, 2S = Solid and Clear, 2P = 2-Coat Pearl, 3P = 3-Coat Pearl, PM = Pearl Metallic, t = Primerless Diamond Clear coat, Black is solvent based, all others are water based.

Body repair


Other materials:

High-mounted stop lamp
Removal and Installation HIGH-MOUNTED STOP LAMP - WITH REAR SPOILER Removal Remove the rear air spoiler. Refer to EXT-46, "Removal and Installation". Remove the screws and the high-mount stop lamp from the rear air spoiler. Installation Installation is in the reverse or ...

Precaution for Brake Control System
Always perform a pre-driving check to drive the vehicle. Always check speed and safety while driving the vehicle. To operate CONSULT while driving, more than one person is required to be in the vehicle to avoid interference to driving and ensure safety. Slight vibrations ar ...

Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) off switch
The vehicle should be driven with the Vehicle Dynamic Control (VDC) system on for most driving conditions. If the vehicle is stuck in mud or snow, the VDC system reduces the engine output to reduce wheel spin. The engine speed will be reduced even if the accelerator is depressed to the f ...

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