Nissan Sentra manuals

Nissan Sentra Service Manual: Periodic maintenance

System description
DESCRIPTION Engine Lubrication System Schematic ...

Engine oil
Inspection Engine oil level Note: Before starting engine, put vehicle horizontally and check the engine oil level. If engine is already started, stop it and allow 10 minutes before checking. ...

Other materials:

Basic inspection
Diagnosis and repair workflow Work flow (with exp-800 ni or gr8-1200 ni) CHARGING SYSTEM DIAGNOSIS WITH EXP-800 NI OR GR8-1200 NI To test the charging system, use the following special service tools: EXP-800 NI Battery and electrical diagnostic analyzer GR8-1200 NI Multitasking battery and ...

Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS)
This vehicle is equipped with the Tire Pressure Monitoring System (TPMS). It monitors tire pressure of all tires except the spare. When the low tire pressure warning light is lit, and the CHECK TIRE PRES warning message is displayed in the odometer, one or more of your tires is significantly u ...

Power windows do not operate with power window main switch
Diagnosis Procedure 1.Check bcm power supply and ground circuit Check bcm power supply and ground circuit. Refer to bcs-67, "diagnosis procedure" (with intelligent key) or bcs-120, "diagnosis procedure" (without intelligent key). Is the inspection result normal? Yes & ...

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