Nissan Sentra manuals

Nissan Sentra Service Manual: DTC/circuit diagnosis



ECM forcibly switches to the mode that inhibits engine start, when engine start operation is performed 5 times or more while communication between ECM and BCM is not normal.

DTC Logic



If DTC P1610 is displayed with other DTC (for BCM or ENGINE), first perform the trouble diagnosis for other DTC.




  1. Turn ignition switch ON.
  2. Check DTC in “Self Diagnostic Result” mode of ENGINE using CONSULT.

Is DTC detected? YES >> Go to SEC-63, "Diagnosis Procedure".

NO >> Inspection End.

Diagnosis Procedure


  1. Check that DTC except for DTC P1610 is not detected.

    If detected, erase the DTC after fixing.

  2. Turn ignition switch OFF.
  3. Depress brake pedal and contact the registered Intelligent Key backside to push-button ignition switch, then wait 5 seconds.
  4. Turn ignition switch ON.
  5. Turn ignition switch OFF and wait 5 seconds.
  6. Repeat steps 3 and 5 twice (a total of 3 times).
  7. Check that engine can start.

>> Inspection End.


DTC Logic



Trouble diagnosis name

DTC detecting condition

Possible cause

P1611 ID DISCORD, IMMU-ECM The ID verification results between BCM and ECM are invalid.
  • BCM
  • ECM



  1. Turn ignition switch ON.
  2. Check DTC in Self Diagnostic Result mode of ENGINE using CONSULT.

Is DTC detected? YES >> Go to SEC-64, "Diagnosis Procedure".

NO >> Inspection End.

Diagnosis Procedure


Perform initialization of BCM and registration of all Intelligent Keys using CONSULT.

Can the system be initialized and can the engine be started with registered Intelligent Key? YES >> Inspection End.

NO >> GO TO 2.


  1. Select Self Diagnostic Result mode of ENGINE using CONSULT.
  2. Erase DTC.
  3. Perform DTC CONFIRMATION PROCEDURE for DTC P1611. Refer to SEC-64, "DTC Logic".

Is DTC detected? YES >> GO TO 3.

NO >> Inspection End


  1. Replace BCM. Refer to BCS-73, "Removal and Installation".
  2. Perform initialization of BCM and registration of all Intelligent Keys using CONSULT.

Can the system be initialized and can the engine be started with registered Intelligent Key? YES >> Inspection End.

NO >> GO TO 4.


  1. Replace ECM.

    Refer to EC-485, "Removal and Installation".


    Refer to EC-135, "Work Procedure".

>> Inspection End.


DTC Logic




Trouble diagnosis name

DTC detecting condition

Possible cause

P1612 CHAIN OF ECM-IMMU Inactive communication between ECM and BCM
  • Harness or connectors (The CAN communication line is open or shorted.)
  • BCM
  • ECM



  1. Turn ignition switch ON.
  2. Check DTC in Self Diagnostic Result mode of ENGINE using CONSULT.

Is DTC detected? YES >> Go to SEC-65, "Diagnosis Procedure".

NO >> Inspection End.

Diagnosis Procedure


  1. Replace BCM. Refer to BCS-73, "Removal and Installation".
  2. Perform initialization of BCM and registration of all Intelligent Keys using CONSULT.

Does the engine start? YES >> Inspection End.

NO >> GO TO 2.


  1. Replace ECM.

    Refer to EC-485, "Removal and Installation".


    Refer to EC-135, "Work Procedure".

>> Inspection End.


DTC Logic



Trouble diagnosis name

DTC detecting condition

Possible cause

B2192 ID DISCORD BCM-ECM The ID verification results between BCM and ECM are NG.
  • BCM
  • ECM



  1. Turn ignition switch ON.
  2. Check DTC in Self Diagnostic Result mode of BCM using CONSULT.

Is DTC detected? YES >> Go to SEC-66, "Diagnosis Procedure".

NO >> Inspection End.

Diagnosis Procedure


Perform initialization of BCM and registration of all Intelligent Keys using CONSULT.

Can the system be initialized and can the engine be started with registered Intelligent Key? YES >> Inspection End.

NO >> GO TO 2.


  1. Select “Self Diagnostic Result” mode of “BCM” using CONSULT.
  2. Erase DTC.
  3. Perform DTC CONFIRMATION PROCEDURE for DTC B2192. Refer to SEC-66, "DTC Logic".

Is DTC detected? YES >> GO TO 3.

NO >> Inspection End


  1. Replace BCM. Refer to BCS-73, "Removal and Installation".
  2. Perform initialization of BCM and registration of all Intelligent Keys using CONSULT.

Can the system be initialized and can the engine be started with registered Intelligent Key? YES >> Inspection End.

NO >> GO TO 4.


  1. Replace ECM.

    Refer to EC-485, "Removal and Installation".


    Refer to EC-135, "Work Procedure".

>> Inspection End.


DTC Logic




Trouble diagnosis name

DTC detecting condition

Possible cause

B2193 CHAIN OF BCM-ECM Inactive communication between BCM and ECM
  • Harness or connectors (The CAN communication line is open or shorted.)
  • BCM
  • ECM



  1. Turn ignition switch ON.
  2. Check DTC in Self Diagnostic Result mode of BCM using CONSULT.

Is DTC detected? YES >> Go to SEC-67, "Diagnosis Procedure".

NO >> Inspection End.

Diagnosis Procedure


  1. Replace BCM. Refer to BCS-73, "Removal and Installation".
  2. Perform initialization of BCM and registration of all Intelligent Keys using CONSULT.

Does the engine start? YES >> Inspection End.

NO >> GO TO 2.


  1. Replace ECM.

    Refer to EC-485, "Removal and Installation".


    Refer to EC-135, "Work Procedure".

>> Inspection End.


DTC Logic



Trouble diagnosis name

DTC detecting condition

Possible cause

B2195 ANTI-SCANNING ID verification between BCM and ECM that is out of the specified specification is detected. ID verification request out of the specified specification



  1. Turn ignition switch ON.
  2. Check DTC in Self Diagnostic Result mode of BCM using CONSULT.

Is DTC detected? YES >> Refer to SEC-68, "Diagnosis Procedure".

NO >> Inspection End.

Diagnosis Procedure


  1. Select Self Diagnostic Result mode of BCM using CONSULT.
  2. Erase DTC.
  3. Perform DTC CONFIRMATION PROCEDURE for DTC B2195. Refer to SEC-68, "DTC Logic".

Is DTC detected? YES >> GO TO 2.

NO >> Inspection End.


Check that unspecified accessory part related to engine start is not installed.

Is unspecified accessory part related to engine start installed? YES >> GO TO 3.

NO >> GO TO 4.


  1. Obtain the customers approval to remove unspecified accessory part related to engine start, and then remove it.
  2. Select Self Diagnostic Result of BCM using CONSULT.
  3. Erase DTC.
  4. Perform DTC CONFIRMATION PROCEDURE for DTC B2195. Refer to SEC-68, "DTC Logic".

Is DTC detected? YES >> GO TO 4.

NO >> Inspection End.


  1. Replace BCM. Refer to BCS-73, "Removal and Installation".
  2. Perform initialization of BCM and registration of all Intelligent Keys using CONSULT.

>> Inspection End.



BCM performs ID verification between BCM and dongle unit.

When verification result is OK, BCM permits cranking.

DTC Logic



Trouble diagnosis name

DTC detecting condition

Possible cause

B2196 DONGLE NG The ID verification results between BCM and dongle unit is invalid.
  • Harness or connectors (Dongle unit circuit is open or shorted.)
  • Dongle unit



  1. Turn ignition switch ON.
  2. Turn ignition switch OFF.
  3. Turn ignition switch ON.
  4. Check DTC in Self-diagnosis result mode of BCM using CONSULT.

Is the DTC detected? YES >> Refer to SEC-69, "Diagnosis Procedure".

NO >> Inspection End.

Diagnosis Procedure

Regarding Wiring Diagram information, refer to SEC-39, "Wiring Diagram".


  1. Perform initialization of BCM and registration of all mechanical keys using CONSULT.

    For initialization and registration procedures, refer to CONSULT Immobilizer mode and follow the onscreen instructions.

  2. Start the engine.

Does the engine start? YES >> Inspection End.

NO >> GO TO 2.

2.Check dongle unit circuit

  1. Turn ignition switch OFF.
  2. Disconnect BCM connector and dongle unit connector.
  3. Check continuity between BCM harness connector and dongle unit harness connector.

  1. Check continuity between BCM harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal?

Yes >> go to 3.

No >> repair or replace harness.

3.Check dongle unit ground circuit

Check continuity between dongle unit harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> replace dongle unit.

No >> repair or replace harness.

B2198 nats antenna amp.

Dtc logic

Dtc detection logic

Dtc no.

Trouble diagnosis name

Dtc detecting condition

Possible cause

B2198 Nats antenna amp Inactive communication between nats antenna amp. And bcm is detected when bcm enters in the low power consumption mode (bcm sleep condition)
  • Harness or connectors (NATS antenna amp. circuit is open or shorted.)
  • Nats antenna amp.
  • BCM

Dtc confirmation procedure

1.Perform dtc confirmation procedure

  1. Make the conditions that bcm enters in the low power consumption mode (bcm sleep condition).

    Refer to bcs-8, "body control system : system description".

  2. Turn ignition switch on.
  3. Check dtc in self diagnostic result mode of bcm using consult.

Is dtc detected? Yes >> go to sec-71, "diagnosis procedure".

No >> inspection end.

Diagnosis procedure

Regarding Wiring Diagram information, refer to SEC-39, "Wiring Diagram".

1.Check fuse

  1. Turn power switch off.
  2. Check that the following fuse in ipdm e/r is not blown.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 2.

No >> replace the blown fuse after repairing the cause of blowing.

2.Check nats antenna amp. Power supply

  1. Disconnect NATS antenna amp. connector.
  2. Check voltage between nats antenna amp. Harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 4.

No >> go to 3.

3.Check nats antenna amp. Power supply circuit

  1. Disconnect ipdm e/r connector.
  2. Check continuity between ipdm e/r harness connector and nats antenna amp. Connector.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> replace ipdm e/r. Refer to pcs-30, "removal and installation".

No >> repair or replace harness.

4.Check nats antenna amp. Ground circuit

Check continuity between nats antenna amp. Harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 5.

No >> repair or replace harness.

5.Check nats antenna amp. Communication signal 1

Check voltage signal between nats antenna amp. Harness connector and ground using an oscilloscope.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 7.

No >> go to 6.

6.Check nats antenna amp. Output signal circuit 1

  1. Disconnect bcm connector.
  2. Check continuity between nats antenna amp. Harness connector and bcm connector.

  1. Check continuity between nats antenna amp. Harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 9.

No >> repair or replace harness.

7.Check nats antenna amp. Communication signal 2

Check voltage signal between nats antenna amp. Harness connector and ground using an oscilloscope.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? YES >> Replace NATS antenna amp. Refer to SEC-135, "Removal and Installation".

NO >> GO TO 8.

8.Check nats antenna amp. Output signal circuit 2

  1. Disconnect BCM connector.
  2. Check continuity between nats antenna amp. Harness connector and bcm connector.

  1. Check continuity between nats antenna amp. Harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 9.

No >> repair or replace harness.

9.Replace BCM

  1. Replace BCM. Refer to BCS-73, "Removal and Installation".
  2. Perform initialization of bcm and registration of all intelligent keys using consult.

>> Inspection end

B2555 stop lamp

Dtc logic

Dtc detection logic

Dtc no.

Trouble diagnosis name

Dtc detecting condition

Possible cause

B2555 STOP LAMP CIRCUIT Bcm makes a comparison between the upper voltage and lower voltage of stop lamp switch. It judges from their values to detect the malfunctioning circuit.
  • Harness or connectors (Stop lamp switch circuit is open or shorted.)
  • Stop lamp switch
  • Fuse
  • Bcm

Dtc confirmation procedure

1.Perform dtc confirmation procedure

  1. Depress brake pedal and wait 1 second or more.
  2. Check DTC in Self Diagnostic Result mode of BCM using CONSULT.

Is dtc detected? Yes >> go to sec-74, "diagnosis procedure".

No >> inspection end.

Diagnosis procedure

Regarding Wiring Diagram information, refer to SEC-39, "Wiring Diagram".

1.Check stop lamp switch input signal 1

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect BCM connector.
  3. Check voltage between bcm harness connector and ground.v

Is the inspection normal?

Is the inspection normal? Yes >> go to 2.

No-1 >> check 10 a fuse [no. 30, Located in the fuse block (j/b)].

No-2 >> check harness for open or short between bcm and fuse.

2.Check stop lamp switch power supply circuit

  1. Disconnect stop lamp switch connector.
  2. Check voltage between stop lamp switch harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? YES >> GO TO 3.

NO >> Check harness for open or short between stop lamp switch and fuse.

3.Check stop lamp switch input signal 2

  1. Connect stop lamp switch connector.
  2. Check voltage between bcm harness connector and ground.

Is the inspecting result normal?

Is the inspecting result normal? Yes >> go to 4.

No >> go to 5.

4.Replace bcm

  1. Replace bcm. Refer to bcs-73, "removal and installation".
  2. Perform initialization of bcm and registration of all intelligent keys using consult.

>> Inspection end.

5.Check stop lamp switch circuit

  1. Disconnect stop lamp switch connector.
  2. Check continuity between stop lamp switch harness connector and BCM harness connector.

  1. Check continuity between stop lamp switch harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? YES >> GO TO 6.

NO >> Repair or replace harness.

6.Check stop lamp switch

Refer to sec-75, "component inspection".

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 7.

No >> replace stop lamp switch. Refer to br-22, "exploded view".

7.Check intermittent incident

Refer to gi-39, "intermittent incident".

>> Inspection end.

Component inspection

1.Check stop lamp switch

  1. Turn ignition switch off
  2. Disconnect stop lamp switch connector.
  3. Check continuity between stop lamp switch terminals.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> inspection end.

No >> replace stop lamp switch. Refer to br-22, "exploded view".

B2556 push-button ignition switch

Dtc logic

Dtc detection logic

Dtc no. Trouble diagnosis name

Dtc detecting condition

Possible cause

B2556 Eng start sw Bcm detects the push-button ignition switch stuck at on for 100 seconds or more.
  • Harness or connectors (push-button ignition switch circuit is shorted.)
  • Push-button ignition switch
  • Bcm

Dtc confirmation procedure

1.Perform dtc confirmation procedure

  1. Press push-button ignition switch under the following condition.
  1. Release push-button ignition switch and wait 100 seconds or more.
  2. Check dtc in self diagnostic result mode of bcm using consult.

Is dtc detected? Yes >> go to sec-77, "diagnosis procedure".

No >> inspection end.

Diagnosis procedure

Regarding wiring diagram information, refer to sec-39, "wiring diagram".

1.Check push-button ignition switch input signal

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect push-button ignition switch connector.
  3. Check voltage between push-button ignition switch harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 4.

No >> go to 2.

2.Check push-button ignition switch circuit

  1. Disconnect bcm connector and ipdm e/r connector.
  2. Check continuity between push-button ignition switch harness connector and bcm harness connector.

  1. Check continuity between push-button ignition switch harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? YES >> GO TO 3.

NO >> Repair or replace harness.

3.Replace bcm

  1. Replace bcm. Refer to bcs-73, "removal and installation".
  2. Perform initialization of bcm and registration of all intelligent keys using consult.

>> Inspection End.

4.Check push-button ignition switch ground circuit

Check continuity between push-button ignition switch harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 5.

No >> repair or replace harness.

5.Check push-button ignition switch

Refer to sec-78, "component inspection".

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 6.

No >> replace push-button ignition switch. Refer to sec-136, "removal and installation".

6.Check intermittent incident

Refer to gi-39, "intermittent incident".

>> Inspection end.

Component inspection

1.Check push-button ignition switch

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect push-button ignition switch connector.
  3. Check continuity between push-button ignition switch terminals.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> inspection end.

No >> replace push-button ignition switch. Refer to sec-136, "removal and installation".

B2557 vehicle speed

Dtc logic

Dtc detection logic


Dtc no.

Trouble diagnosis name

Dtc detecting condition

Possible causes

B2557 Vehicle speed Bcm detects one of the following conditions for 10 seconds continuously.
  • Vehicle speed signal from “combination meter” is 10 km/h (6.2 Mph) or more and vehicle speed signal from “abs actuator and electric unit (control unit)” is 4 km/h (2.5 Mph) or less
  • Vehicle speed signal from “combination meter” is 4 km/h (2.5 Mph) or less and vehicle speed signal from “abs actuator and electric unit (control unit)” is 10 km/h (6.2 Mph) or more
  • Harness or connectors (the can communication line is open or shorted.)
  • Combination meter
  • Abs actuator and electric unit (control unit)

Dtc confirmation procedure

1.Perform dtc confirmation procedure

  1. Start engine and wait 10 seconds or more.
  2. Drive the vehicle at a vehicle speed of 10 km/h (6.2 Mph) or more for 10 seconds or more.
  3. Check dtc in self diagnostic result mode of bcm using consult.

Is dtc detected? Yes >> go to sec-79, "diagnosis procedure".

No >> inspection end.

Diagnosis procedure

1.Check dtc of “abs actuator and electric unit (control unit)”

Check dtc in self diagnostic result mode of abs using consult.

Is dtc detected? Yes >> perform the trouble diagnosis related to the detected dtc. Refer to brc-43, "dtc index".

No >> go to 2.

2.Check dtc of combination meter

Check dtc in self diagnostic result mode of meter/m&a using consult.

Is dtc detected? Yes >> perform the trouble diagnosis related to the detected dtc. Refer to mwi-26, "dtc index".

No >> go to 3.

3.Check intermittent incident

Refer to GI-39, "Intermittent Incident".

>> Inspection End.

B2601 shift position

Dtc logic

Dtc detection logic


Dtc no.

Trouble diagnosis name

Dtc detecting condition

Possible cause

B2601 SHIFT P SIGNAL When there is a difference between p range signal from cvt shift selector (park position switch) and p position signal from ipdm e/r (can).
  • Harness or connectors (can communication line is open or shorted.)
  • Harness or connectors [cvt shift selector (park position switch) circuit is open or shorted.]
  • Ipdm e/r
  • Bcm

Dtc confirmation procedure

1.Perform dtc confirmation procedure

  1. Shift the selector lever to the park (p) position.
  2. Turn ignition switch on and wait 2 seconds or more.
  3. Shift the selector lever to any position other than park (p) and wait 2 seconds or more.
  4. Check dtc in self diagnostic result mode of bcm using consult.

Is DTC detected? YES >> Go to SEC-80, "Diagnosis Procedure".

NO >> Inspection End.

Diagnosis procedure

Regarding wiring diagram information, refer to sec-39, "wiring diagram".

1.Check cvt shift selector circuit (bcm)

  1. Turn ignition switch OFF
  2. Disconnect cvt shift selector (park position switch) connector.
  3. Disconnect bcm connector
  4. Check continuity between CVT shift selector (park position switch) harness connector and BCM harness connector.

  1. Check continuity between cvt shift selector (park position switch) harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 2.

No >> repair or replace harness.

2.Check cvt shift selector circuit (ipdm e/r)

  1. Disconnect ipdm e/r connector.
  2. Check continuity between CVT shift selector (park position switch) harness connector and IPDM E/R harness connector.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 3.

No >> repair or replace harness.

3.Replace bcm

  1. Replace bcm. Refer to bcs-73, "removal and installation".
  2. Perform initialization of bcm and registration of all intelligent keys using consult.
  3. Perform dtc confirmation procedure for dtc b2601. Refer to sec-80, "dtc logic".

Is DTC B2601 detected again? YES >> Replace IPDM E/R. Refer to PCS-30, "Removal and Installation".

NO >> Inspection End.

B2602 shift position

Dtc logic

Dtc detection logic


Dtc no. Trouble diagnosis name

Dtc detecting condition

Possible cause

B2602 SHIFT P DIAG Bcm detects the following status for 10 seconds.
  • Selector lever is in the Park (P) position
  • Vehicle speed is 4 km/h (2.5 Mph) or more
  • Ignition switch is in the on position
  • Harness or connectors (the can communication line is open or shorted.)
  • Harness or connectors [cvt shift selector (park position switch) circuit is open or shorted.]
  • Cvt shift selector (park position switch)
  • Combination meter

Dtc confirmation procedure

1.Perform dtc confirmation procedure

  1. Start engine
  2. Drive vehicle at a speed of 4 km/h (2.5 Mph) or more for 10 seconds or more.
  3. Check dtc in self diagnostic result mode of bcm using consult.

Is dtc detected? Yes >> go to sec-82, "diagnosis procedure".

No >> inspection end.

Diagnosis procedure

Regarding wiring diagram information, refer to sec-39, "wiring diagram".

1.Check dtc of abs actuator and electric unit (control unit)

Check dtc in self diagnostic result mode of abs using consult.

Is dtc detected? Yes >> perform the trouble diagnosis related to the detected dtc. Refer to brc-43, "dtc index".

No >> go to 2.

2.Check dtc of combination meter

Check dtc in self diagnostic result mode of meter/m&a using consult.

Is dtc detected? Yes >> perform the trouble diagnosis related to the detected dtc. Refer to mwi-26, "dtc index".

No >> go to 3.

3.Check cvt shift selector power supply

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect cvt shift selector (park position switch) connector.
  3. Turn ignition switch ON.
  4. Check voltage between cvt shift selector (park position switch) harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? YES >> GO TO 6.

NO >> GO TO 4.

4.Check cvt shift selector power supply circuit

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect bcm connector.
  3. Check continuity between cvt shift selector (park position switch) harness connector and bcm harness connector.

  1. Check continuity between cvt shift selector (park position switch) harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 5.

No >> repair or replace harness.

5.Replace bcm

  1. Replace bcm. Refer to bcs-73, "removal and installation".
  2. Perform initialization of bcm and registration of all intelligent keys using consult.

>> Inspection end.

6.Check cvt shift selector circuit

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect bcm connector and ipdm e/r connector.

  3. Check continuity between CVT shift selector (park position switch) harness connector and BCM harness connector.

  1. Check continuity between cvt shift selector (park position switch) harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 7.

No >> repair or replace harness.

7.Check cvt shift selector (park position switch)

Refer to sec-84, "component inspection".

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 8.

No >> replace cvt shift selector. Refer to tm-253, "removal and installation".

8.Check intermittent incident

Refer to gi-39, "intermittent incident".

>> Inspection end.

Component inspection

1.Check cvt shift selector (park position switch)

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect cvt shift selector connector.
  3. Check continuity between cvt shift selector (park position switch) terminals.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> inspection end.

No >> replace cvt shift selector. Refer to tm-253, "removal and installation".

B2603 shift position

Dtc logic

Dtc detection logic


If dtc b2603 is displayed with dtc b2601, first perform the trouble diagnosis for dtc b2601. Refer to sec-80, "dtc logic".

Dtc no.

Trouble diagnosis name

Dtc detecting condition

Possible causes

B2603 SHIFT POSITION Bcm detects the following status when ignition switch is in the on position.
  • Transmission range switch signal: approx. 0 V
  • CVT shift selector (park position switch) signal: approx. 0 V
  • Harness or connector [cvt shift selector (park position switch) circuit is open or shorted.]
  • Harness or connectors (Transmission range switch circuit is open or shorted.)
  • Cvt shift selector (park position switch)
  • Transmission range switch
  • Bcm

Dtc confirmation procedure

1.Perform dtc confirmation procedure 1

  1. Shift the selector lever to the Park (P) position
  2. Turn ignition switch ON and wait 1 second or more.
  3. Check dtc in self diagnostic result mode of bcm using consult.

Is DTC detected? YES >> Go to SEC-85, "Diagnosis Procedure".

NO >> GO TO 2.

2.Perform dtc confirmation procedure 2

  1. Shift the selector lever to the position other than park (p) and neutral (n), and wait 1 second or more.
  2. Check dtc in self diagnostic result mode of bcm using consult.

Is dtc detected? Yes >> go to sec-85, "diagnosis procedure".

No >> inspection end.

Diagnosis procedure

Regarding wiring diagram information, refer to sec-39, "wiring diagram".

1.Inspection start

Perform inspection in accordance with procedure that confirms dtc.

Which procedure confirms dtc? Dtc confirmation procedure 1>>go to 2.

Dtc confirmation procedure 2>>go to 8.

2.Check fuse

  1. Turn power switch off.
  2. Check that the following fuse in ipdm e/r is not blown.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal?

YES >> GO TO 3.

NO >> Replace the blown fuse after repairing the cause of blowing.

3.Check transmission range switch power supply

  1. Disconnect transmission range switch connector.
  2. Turn ignition switch ON.
  3. Check voltage between transmission range switch harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 5.

No >> go to 4.

4.Check transmission range switch power supply circuit

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect IPDM E/R connector.
  3. Check continuity between transmission range switch harness connector and ipdm e/r harness connector.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> replace ipdm e/r. Refer to pcs-30, "removal and installation".

No >> repair or replace harness.

5.Check bcm input signal

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Connect transmission range switch harness connector.
  3. Turn ignition switch ON.
  4. Check voltage between BCM harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 13.

No >> go to 6.

6.Check bcm input signal circuit

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect transmission range switch connector.
  3. Disconnect bcm connector.
  4. Check continuity between transmission range switch harness connector and bcm harness connector.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal?

YES >> GO TO 7.

NO >> Repair or replace harness.


Refer to SEC-88, "Component Inspection (Transmission Range Switch)".

Is the inspection result normal? YES >> GO TO 12.

NO >> Replace transmission range switch.

8.Check CVT Shift selector power supply

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect cvt shift selector (park position switch) connector.
  3. Turn ignition switch on.
  4. Check voltage between cvt shift selector (park position switch) harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? YES >> GO TO 10.

NO >> GO TO 9.

9.Check cvt shift selector power supply circuit

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect bcm connector.
  3. Check continuity between cvt shift selector (park position switch) harness connector and bcm harness connector.

  1. Check continuity between cvt shift selector (park position switch) harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 12.

No >> repair or replace harness.

10.Check cvt shift selector circuit

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect bcm connector.
  3. Check continuity between cvt shift selector (park position switch) harness connector and bcm harness connector.

  1. Check continuity between CVT shift selector (park position switch) harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 11.

No >> repair or replace harness.

11.Check cvt shift selector (park position switch)

Refer to sec-88, "component inspection [cvt shift selector (park position switch)]".

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 13.

No >> replace cvt shift selector. Refer to tm-253, "removal and installation".

12.Check intermittent incident

Refer to gi-39, "intermittent incident".

>> Inspection end.

13.Replace bcm

  1. Replace BCM. Refer to BCS-73, "Removal and Installation".
  2. Perform initialization of BCM and registration of all Intelligent Keys using CONSULT.

>> Inspection End.

Component inspection (transmission range switch)

1.Check transmission range switch

  1. Turn ignition switch off
  2. Disconnect transmission range switch connector.
  3. Check continuity between transmission range switch terminals.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> inspection end

NO >> Replace transmission range switch.

Component inspection [cvt shift selector (park position switch)]

1.Check cvt shift selector (detention switch)

  1. Turn ignition switch OFF.
  2. Disconnect cvt shift selector connector.
  3. Check continuity between cvt shift selector (park position switch) terminals.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal?

YES >> Inspection End.

NO >> Replace CVT shift selector. Refer to TM-253, "Removal and Installation".


DTC Logic




Trouble diagnosis name

DTC detecting condition

Possible cause

B2604 SHIFT PN DIAG CAN The following states are detected for 5 seconds while ignition switch is ON
  • P/N position signal is sent from transmission range switch but shift position signal input (CAN) from TCM is other than P and N
  • P/N position signal is not sent from transmission range switch but shift position signal input (CAN) from TCM is P or N
  • Harness or connectors (The CAN communication line is open or shorted.)
  • Harness or connectors (Transmission range switch circuit is open or shorted.)
  • TCM
  • BCM


1.Perform dtc confirmation procedure

  1. Shift the selector lever to the park (p) position.
  2. Turn ignition switch on and wait 5 seconds or more.
  3. Shift the selector lever to the neutral (n) position and wait 5 seconds or more.
  4. Shift the selector lever to any position other than park (p) and neutral (n), and wait 5 seconds or more.
  5. Check DTC in Self Diagnostic Result mode of BCM using CONSULT.

Is dtc detected? Yes >> go to sec-90, "diagnosis procedure".

No >> inspection end.

Diagnosis procedure

Regarding Wiring Diagram information, refer to SEC-39, "Wiring Diagram".

1.Check dtc of tcm

Check dtc in self diagnostic result mode of tcm using consult.

Is dtc detected? Yes >> perform the trouble diagnosis related to the detected dtc. Refer to tm-126, "dtc index".

No >> go to 2.

2.Check fuse

  1. Turn power switch off.
  2. Check that the following fuse in ipdm e/r is not blown.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? YES >> GO TO 3.

NO >> Replace the blown fuse after repairing the cause of blowing.

3.Check transmission range switch power supply

  1. Disconnect transmission range switch connector.
  2. Turn ignition switch on.
  3. Check voltage between transmission range switch harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 5.

No >> go to 4.

4.Check transmission range switch power supply circuit

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect ipdm e/r connector.
  3. Check continuity between transmission range switch harness connector and IPDM E/R harness connector.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? YES >> Replace IPDM E/R. Refer to PCS-30, "Removal and Installation".

NO >> Repair or replace harness.

5.Check bcm input signal

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Reconnect transmission range switch connector.
  3. Turn ignition switch on.
  4. Check voltage between bcm harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 9.

No >> go to 6.

6.Check bcm input signal circuit

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect transmission range switch connector.
  3. Disconnect BCM connector.
  4. Check continuity between transmission range switch harness connector and bcm harness connector.

  1. Check continuity between transmission range switch harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal?

Yes >> go to 7.

No >> repair or replace harness.

7.Check transmission range switch

Refer to sec-92, "component inspection".

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 8.

No >> replace transmission range switch.

8.Check intermittent incident

Refer to gi-39, "intermittent incident".

>> Inspection end.

9.Replace bcm

  1. Replace bcm. Refer to bcs-73, "removal and installation".
  2. Perform initialization of bcm and registration of all intelligent keys using consult.

>> Inspection end.

Component inspection

1.Check transmission range switch

  1. Turn ignition switch OFF.
  2. Disconnect transmission range switch connector.
  3. Check continuity between transmission range switch terminals.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> inspection end.

No >> replace transmission range switch.

B2605 shift position

Dtc logic

Dtc detection logic


Dtc no.

Trouble diagnosis name

Dtc detecting condition

Possible cause

B2605 Shift pn diag ipdm When ignition switch is ON, P/N position signal input from transmission range switch and P/N position signal (CAN) input from IPDM E/R do not match.
  • Harness or connectors (The CAN communication line is open or shorted.)
  • Harness or connectors (Transmission range switch circuit is open or shorted.)
  • Transmission range switch
  • Ipdm e/r
  • BCM

Dtc confirmation procedure

1.Perform dtc confirmation procedure

  1. Shift the selector lever to the park (p) position.
  2. Turn ignition switch on and wait 1 second or more.
  3. Shift the selector lever to the neutral (n) position and wait 1 second or more.
  4. Shift the selector lever to any position other than park (p) and neutral (n), and wait 1 second or more.
  5. Check dtc in self diagnostic result mode of bcm using consult.

Is dtc detected? Yes >> go to sec-93, "diagnosis procedure".

No >> inspection end.

Diagnosis procedure

Regarding wiring diagram information, refer to sec-39, "wiring diagram".

1.Check ipdm e/r input signal

  1. Turn ignition switch on.
  2. Check voltage between ipdm e/r harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 3.

No >> go to 2.

2.Check ipdm e/r input signal circuit

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect ipdm e/r connector.
  3. Disconnect transmission range switch connector.
  4. Check continuity between ipdm e/r harness connector and transmission range switch harness connector.

  1. Check continuity between ipdm e/r harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 5.

No >> repair or replace harness.

3.Check bcm input signal

Check voltage between bcm harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 5.

No >> go to 4.

4.Check bcm input signal circuit

  1. Turn ignition switch off.
  2. Disconnect bcm connector.
  3. Disconnect transmission range switch connector.
  4. Check continuity between bcm harness connector and transmission range switch harness connector.

  1. Check continuity between ipdm e/r harness connector and ground.

Is the inspection result normal?

Is the inspection result normal? Yes >> go to 5.

No >> repair or replace harness.

5.Replace bcm

  1. Replace bcm. Refer to bcs-73, "removal and installation".
  2. Perform initialization of bcm using consult.
  3. Perform dtc confirmation procedure for b2605. Refer to sec-93, "dtc logic".

Is dtc b2605 detected again? Yes >> replace ipdm e/r. Refer to pcs-30, "removal and installation".

No >> inspection end.

B2608 starter relay

Dtc logic

Dtc detection logic


Dtc no.

Trouble diagnosis name

Dtc detecting condition

Possible cause

B2608 Starter relay BCM outputs starter relay OFF signal but BCM receives starter relay ON signal from IPDM E/R (CAN).
  • Harness or connectors
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